Now showing circuits 1-8 of 8. Sort by
Line level to Mic level converter PUBLICConvert line level signal to mic input signal level. Level out = V1 * (R2 +R3)/(R1 + R2 + R3). The actual R values are not so important. Important is the ratio between them. Example: 1 volt in and... by aweijnitz | updated June 13, 2020 |
Adjustable Second Order Active Lowpass Filter PUBLICLowpass filter with two knobs. One for cutoff and one for gain (R3). Based on a non-inverting op-amp setup. by aweijnitz | updated May 07, 2020 |
Basic Signal Mixer PUBLICMixer based on this article. by aweijnitz | updated May 06, 2020 |
Buffer Pedal PUBLICBasic transparent guitar buffer pedal by aweijnitz | updated May 06, 2020 |
Laser ON/OFF switch using NPN transistor PUBLICHow to hookup a laser module to an Arduino, using an NPN transistor to control it. Calculation, based on 20mA typical operating current draw from the laser module. Ic = 20mA = 0.020A Ib = Ic/10 =... by aweijnitz | updated January 20, 2013 |
Transistor Laser control (not working) PUBLICby aweijnitz | updated January 20, 2013 |
Arduino Hygrometer PUBLICIllustration showing how to build an Arduino-based hygrometer using the EFS-10 humidity sensor in combination with an LM135 temperature sensor. by aweijnitz | updated January 05, 2013 |
Humidity Sensor, EFS-10 measurement circuit PUBLICHow to hook up the EFS-10 humidity sensor to an Arduino. Sketch need to generate a square wave over D0 and D1 to read value at A0. by aweijnitz | updated January 02, 2013 |