I have a solar panel and the amps are low. How to increase the ammps to 2 Amps to make it usable for mobile charging. Ideally how much voltage and amps needed to charge mobile faster. Once you connect load the voltage and amps dip. So how to maintain constant current and voltage for effective charging. |
by bvenkat
May 22, 2023 |
You will need to store the required energy. Like a lake, which you are filling with rain and small creeks, while you empty it by opening fully the lake's discharge when you need the (stored) water in a large amount. Using supercapacitor is fine with solar panels since they can hold a lot (of energy) but are limited to low voltages. Next you probably need to boost the voltage with a dc-to-dc voltage converter. And quite probably, mainly if you use a lithium-ion battery, you will need to monitor the charge (there are ICs just for that) and even the temperature of the battery (they explode/burn around 80C). Most people that I know have bought the whole "thing" already made. Like at AliExpress (Not necessarily what I recommend, but as proof that is exists). |
by vanderghast
May 22, 2023 |
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