Doorbell Wire Timer

Hi, I have a smart doorbell - Google Nest Wired, 2nd Generation - attached to a 24V transformer. I want to wire a timer along the low voltage wire between the transformer and the doorbell. I found what I think is a low voltage timer on amazon that I like but I have no idea if it will work or destroy the doorbell, the transformer, etc. I included a link below to 3 timers that I found on amazon - I think they are all the same - can someone please let me know if one or all of the amazon linked timers will work?


Thank you for your help!

P.S. If you have the time to write a short explainer I would appreciate it because I like to learn.

by dalutulak
May 31, 2023

1 Answer

Answer by spudwheelie

I use 2 of these timer relays to control my aquaponics system. One for the lights and one for the flood pump. Going strong for 4 years.

These timers are for programming things like Christmas lights, chicken doors, ETC. Things that need to be automatically switched at certain times of the day.

There are 4 pinouts. 2 for the contacts and 2 for 24 V Power supply needed by the coil inside the device.

The chip inside the device is powered by a lithium-ion battery which lasts 3 years.

Create a schematic in circuit lab of your plan and I will let you know if it will work.

+1 vote
by spudwheelie
June 02, 2023

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