Now showing circuits 1-9 of 9. Sort by
stabijfet PUBLICby shagas | updated June 01, 2013 |
Transistor voltage divider PUBLICby shagas | updated May 26, 2013 |
Single to dual power supply PUBLICThis is a circuit that converts a single supply to a double supply without using a centre tapped transformer. by shagas | updated May 15, 2013 dual dual-power-supply op-amp power power-supply supply transistor |
Led Flasher PUBLICThis is a circuit which uses an npn and pnp transistor to briefly flash an LED every few seconds by shagas | updated May 06, 2013 |
Astable multivibrator PUBLICAstable multivibrator with independant transistors for LED's or anything else by shagas | updated May 05, 2013 |
Monostable Multivibrator PUBLICMonostable flip flop with independant transistors for LEd's by shagas | updated May 03, 2013 |
FlipFlopshooter PUBLICFlipflop , automatic capacitor charge and shoot a projectile by shagas | updated May 03, 2013 |
Bistable Transistor Multivibrator PUBLICby shagas | updated May 02, 2013 |
Bistable with LED PUBLICby shagas | updated May 02, 2013 |