Username sakari-lukkarinen
Member Since October 12, 2012

sakari-lukkarinen's Public Circuits:

Now showing circuits 1-17 of 17. Sort by

Simplified transmitter

Simplified transmitter PUBLIC

by sakari-lukkarinen | updated February 17, 2014

RLC circuit

RLC circuit PUBLIC

by sakari-lukkarinen | updated February 13, 2014

Loosely coupled equivalent circuit

Loosely coupled equivalent circuit PUBLIC

by sakari-lukkarinen | updated February 02, 2014

Loosely coupled oscillator

Loosely coupled oscillator PUBLIC

by sakari-lukkarinen | updated February 01, 2014

Current controlled voltage source example

Current controlled voltage source example PUBLIC

by sakari-lukkarinen | updated February 01, 2014

Crystal quartz clock equivalent circuit

Crystal quartz clock equivalent circuit PUBLIC

by sakari-lukkarinen | updated January 31, 2014

Bandpass RC-filter

Bandpass RC-filter PUBLIC

A simple RC bandpass filter circuit made of two first order RC-filters. The first is low-pass and the second high-pass element. A signal generator is added to the input and probes to the output. You...

by sakari-lukkarinen | updated January 27, 2013

Problem 28-50

Problem 28-50 PUBLIC

by sakari-lukkarinen | updated November 12, 2012

RLC band-stop filter

RLC band-stop filter PUBLIC

by sakari-lukkarinen | updated November 11, 2012

RLC band-pass filter

RLC band-pass filter PUBLIC

by sakari-lukkarinen | updated November 11, 2012

RLC high pass filter

RLC high pass filter PUBLIC

by sakari-lukkarinen | updated November 11, 2012

RLC low-pass filter

RLC low-pass filter PUBLIC

by sakari-lukkarinen | updated November 11, 2012

RLC circuit

RLC circuit PUBLIC

by sakari-lukkarinen | updated November 11, 2012

Inductor in AC circuit

Inductor in AC circuit PUBLIC

by sakari-lukkarinen | updated November 11, 2012

Capacitor in AC circuit

Capacitor in AC circuit PUBLIC

by sakari-lukkarinen | updated November 11, 2012

Resistor in AC circuit

Resistor in AC circuit PUBLIC

by sakari-lukkarinen | updated November 11, 2012

Simple AND gate

Simple AND gate PUBLIC

by sakari-lukkarinen | updated October 12, 2012