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Username rickb
Member Since April 13, 2013

rickb's Public Circuits:

Now showing circuits 1-3 of 3. Sort by

IR presence detector (e.g. for model railway trains)

IR presence detector (e.g. for model railway trains) PUBLIC

Provides a presence detector for model railway trains and similar moving things, providing an input to Arduino microcontrollers.

by rickb | updated April 27, 2013

arduino   led   model-railway   phototransistor  

Directional IR presence detector

Directional IR presence detector PUBLIC

Provides a presence detector for model railway trains and similar moving things, providing an input to Arduino microcontrollers.

by rickb | updated April 23, 2013

arduino   led   model-railway   phototransistor  

LM556 bi-stable point motor amplifier

LM556 bi-stable point motor amplifier PUBLIC

This flip-flop provides a motor driver for point motors on model railways (design by Rob Paisley).

by rickb | updated April 13, 2013

lm556   model-railway   point-control