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Username pbos
Member Since June 22, 2012

pbos's Public Circuits:

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Voltage Divider

Voltage Divider PUBLIC

Basic voltage divider supplying 5V from a 12V source

by pbos | updated June 23, 2012


Arduino Alarm - Magnetic switch

Arduino Alarm - Magnetic switch PUBLIC

Diagram to indicate how a standard magnetic door or window alarm switch could be connected as an input to an Arduino The LED circuit is optional

by pbos | updated June 23, 2012

alarm   arduino   magnetic-switch  

Arduino Alarm - PIR Input

Arduino Alarm - PIR Input PUBLIC

Modifying a regular 12V PIR to work with the Digital 5V input of an Arduino using a simple voltage devider. LED is optional. Without the LED resistor V_OUT should be exactly 5V

by pbos | updated June 23, 2012

alarm   arduino   pir