Username | mrobbins |
Name | Mike Robbins | | |
Member Since | September 23, 2011 |
Now showing circuits 81-100 of 106. Sort by
Forcing initial capacitor voltage = 0 PUBLICA time-controlled switch can be used to force a capacitor to start discharged. by mrobbins | updated March 01, 2012 |
AC Power Supply (Transformer and Bridge Rectifier) PUBLICby mrobbins | updated February 04, 2012 |
BJT difference amp PUBLICby mrobbins | updated February 04, 2012 |
H-bridge PUBLICby mrobbins | updated February 04, 2012 |
Diode cascade voltage multiplier PUBLICby mrobbins | updated February 03, 2012 |
555 as Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) generator PUBLIC555 timer as a PWM generator based on an analog input source. by mrobbins | updated January 24, 2012 |
555 as astable (oscillator) PUBLIC555 timer as a square wave oscillator (astable mode) by mrobbins | updated January 24, 2012 |
RC Low-pass Filter PUBLICby mrobbins | updated January 08, 2012 |
Unicodful circuit name?euro:€ japanese:日本語 résumé PUBLICrésumé 日本語 by mrobbins | updated December 24, 2011 |
Two-Zener voltage clamp PUBLICTwo back-to-back zener diodes can be used to limit the voltage excursion of a signal. by mrobbins | updated December 08, 2011 |
Op-amp Slew Rate Demo PUBLICDemonstrates the limited slew rate of a real op-amp with a large square wave input. by mrobbins | updated November 28, 2011 |
Op-amp output impedance PUBLICby mrobbins | updated November 13, 2011 |
Digital counter PUBLICby mrobbins | updated November 13, 2011 |
BJT saturation characteristic tester PUBLICby mrobbins | updated November 13, 2011 |
Switching inductive loads PUBLICby mrobbins | updated November 11, 2011 |
BJT f_T measurement PUBLICby mrobbins | updated November 11, 2011 |
Cascode current mirror -- actively loaded differential pair amp PUBLICQ1 and Q2 are the main amplification. The four PNP BJTs provide a cascoded current mirror for super high gain active load. by mrobbins | updated November 01, 2011 |
Op-Amp logarithmic amp PUBLICAn op-amp, diode, and resistor can together be used to create a logarithmic amplifier, where the output voltage is proportional to the log of the input voltage. by mrobbins | updated October 25, 2011 |
Verticalish circuit PUBLICby mrobbins | updated October 21, 2011 |
Op-amp non-inverting amplifier PUBLICby mrobbins | updated October 21, 2011 |