Username | mrobbins |
Name | Mike Robbins | | |
Member Since | September 23, 2011 |
Now showing circuits 41-60 of 106. Sort by
One-pin boost converter PUBLIC by mrobbins | updated June 08, 2017 |
Optocoupler LED-phototransistor pair simulation by CCCS PUBLICOptocoupler LED + NPN phototransistor simulated using a CCCS controlled source. by mrobbins | updated March 06, 2017 |
Non-linear Resistors and Capacitors RC simulation example PUBLICUsing behavioral sources to simulate systems with non-linear RC systems, like thermal systems. by mrobbins | updated November 05, 2013 |
Op-amp non-inverting amplifier with parameters PUBLICUsing CircuitLab's parameters feature, we've built a parameterized non-inverting amplifier which calculates its own resistance values. by mrobbins | updated October 01, 2013 |
RF Matching Network Parameters Example PUBLICCircuitLab's Parameters feature is used to calculate a narrowband impedance L-match to match a higher-impedance signal source to a 50 ohm RF load at 2.45GHz. by mrobbins | updated October 01, 2013 |
2.5V 250mA simple switching supply with defined gate drive PUBLICAn edge-defined gate drive signal is produced by a CSV voltage source, and modulated to form a power supply feedback loop. by mrobbins | updated September 30, 2013 |
Multilevel inverter signal and filtering effect PUBLICA multilevel inverter signal, a sinusoidal-like source composed of piecewise step voltage segments, is defined using the new CSV voltage source. Simple filtering of the multi-level steps is examined... by mrobbins | updated September 30, 2013 |
Translinear SQRT PNP PUBLICTranslinear analog square root circuit. V(OUT) = SQRT( V(IN) ) / 10 by mrobbins | updated August 07, 2013 |
AC-power your circuit without a transformer PUBLICLow-power transformer-less AC-to-DC converter. by mrobbins | updated July 29, 2013 |
Voltage-to-Current converter offers precisely defined dead-band PUBLICIntentional dead-band nonlinearity in an analog voltage-to-current converter. by mrobbins | updated July 29, 2013 |
Behavioral Source - Exponential Envelope Decay PUBLICSinusoidal source modulated with exponentially-decaying envelope. by mrobbins | updated July 28, 2013 |
Back-to-back Diodes (1sec transient) PUBLICProper simulator convergence in back-to-back 1N4148 diode transient simulation. (with longer time duration transient simulation) by mrobbins | updated July 25, 2013 |
Back-to-back Diodes PUBLICProper simulator convergence in back-to-back 1N4148 diode transient simulation. by mrobbins | updated July 16, 2013 |
Robox's Multi-AC source - Loop gain / return ratio PUBLICCircuitLab can calculate "return ratio" or "loop gain" to show when a dependent source can create an unstable system. by mrobbins | updated December 20, 2012 |
Robox's Multi-AC Source Question PUBLICCircuitLab supports multiple AC input sources for frequency domain analysis. by mrobbins | updated December 20, 2012 |
Physics: Car Suspension pt. 1 (Spring, Mass, Damper) PUBLICA model of a simple spring-mass-damper system with a driven wall. Time domain and frequency domain simulations included. by mrobbins | updated September 10, 2012 |
Precision Active Peak Detector PUBLICAn op-amp plus diode form a "precision" active peak detector, where the op-amp eliminates the diode drop that would otherwise occur with a passive peak detector. by mrobbins | updated August 03, 2012 |
P-MOSFET Buck Converter (Switching Power Supply) PUBLICA simple buck converter model that simulates. by mrobbins | updated August 02, 2012 |
Exclusive OR (XOR) Equivalent Circuit PUBLICXOR gate depicted in sum-of-products representation (composed from OR, AND, NOT gates). by mrobbins | updated July 23, 2012 |
Op-amp low-pass/high-pass analysis PUBLICUnderstanding op-amp filters with poles and zeros. by mrobbins | updated July 13, 2012 |