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Username mrobbins
Name Mike Robbins
Member Since September 23, 2011

mrobbins's Public Circuits:

Now showing circuits 1-20 of 106. Sort by

BJT Differential Amplifier Sim Demo

BJT Differential Amplifier Sim Demo PUBLIC

by mrobbins | updated February 06, 2023

1N5817 Diode Reverse Leakage Current

1N5817 Diode Reverse Leakage Current PUBLIC

Diode reverse leakage current is I_S (saturation current)

by mrobbins | updated August 22, 2022

NPN Translinear voltage divider - with accessories

NPN Translinear voltage divider - with accessories PUBLIC

by mrobbins | updated August 07, 2022

NPN Translinear voltage divider core

NPN Translinear voltage divider core PUBLIC

by mrobbins | updated August 07, 2022

Quad op-amp TL074

Quad op-amp TL074 PUBLIC

by mrobbins | updated October 11, 2021

jshuggins' Diode Limiter - DC Sweep

jshuggins' Diode Limiter - DC Sweep PUBLIC

by mrobbins | updated June 03, 2021

Rilay93's Basic Transients modified

Rilay93's Basic Transients modified PUBLIC

by mrobbins | updated May 11, 2021

TEMP parameter example

TEMP parameter example PUBLIC


by mrobbins | updated April 15, 2021

Digital T Flip-Flop Demo

Digital T Flip-Flop Demo PUBLIC

by mrobbins | updated April 06, 2021

Charge Pump Voltage Doubler

Charge Pump Voltage Doubler PUBLIC

by mrobbins | updated April 05, 2021

Behavioral source: constant power load

Behavioral source: constant power load PUBLIC

by mrobbins | updated March 10, 2021

davidtro's Practical Wien Oscillator

davidtro's Practical Wien Oscillator PUBLIC

by mrobbins | updated February 20, 2021

davidtro's Ramp Generator

davidtro's Ramp Generator PUBLIC

by mrobbins | updated February 20, 2021

4-Bit Adder as Incrementing Counter

4-Bit Adder as Incrementing Counter PUBLIC

A 4-bit adder, plus four clocked digital registers, are configured to create an incrementing counter.

by mrobbins | updated February 08, 2021

RC charging with "Skip Initial = Yes"

RC charging with "Skip Initial = Yes" PUBLIC

by mrobbins | updated February 02, 2021

RC charging with Time Controlled Switch

RC charging with Time Controlled Switch PUBLIC

by mrobbins | updated February 02, 2021

RC charging with Voltage Step Source

RC charging with Voltage Step Source PUBLIC

by mrobbins | updated February 02, 2021

20210114 New Digital Adders

20210114 New Digital Adders PUBLIC

Full adder, half adder, 4-bit adder, 8-bit adder

by mrobbins | updated January 14, 2021


20210114 New Multiplexer Gates

20210114 New Multiplexer Gates PUBLIC

4x1 and 8x1 Mux

by mrobbins | updated January 14, 2021

Amplitude-Modulated 60 Hz 120 V RMS source

Amplitude-Modulated 60 Hz 120 V RMS source PUBLIC

Multiplies a 60 Hz source by a piecewise-linear ramp to simulate an adjustable voltage source ramping up.

by mrobbins | updated December 07, 2020