Username mikeseg
Member Since January 5, 2016

mikeseg's Public Circuits:

Now showing circuits 21-40 of 58. Sort by

Chapter 7, Other applications of operational amplifier! Active Clamps

Chapter 7, Other applications of operational amplifier! Active Clamps PUBLIC

by mikeseg | updated April 11, 2016

Chapter 7, Other Applications of operatonal amplifier! Active Rectifier

Chapter 7, Other Applications of operatonal amplifier! Active Rectifier PUBLIC

by mikeseg | updated April 11, 2016

Chapter 6, The Integrator, Resistor Parallel to Capacitor

Chapter 6, The Integrator, Resistor Parallel to Capacitor PUBLIC

by mikeseg | updated April 10, 2016

Chapter 6, The Integrator, DC-Offset Circuit

Chapter 6, The Integrator, DC-Offset Circuit PUBLIC

by mikeseg | updated April 10, 2016

Chapter 7, Push-Pull current driver, Producing high current, postive and negative voltages with an op amp

Chapter 7, Push-Pull current driver, Producing high current, postive and negative voltages with an op amp PUBLIC

by mikeseg | updated April 10, 2016

Chapter 7, Push-Pull current driver, Producing high current, positive and negative voltages with an op amp, adjusted feedback loop

Chapter 7, Push-Pull current driver, Producing high current, positive and negative voltages with an op amp, adjusted feedback loop PUBLIC

by mikeseg | updated April 10, 2016

Chapter 7, Constant-current source

Chapter 7, Constant-current source PUBLIC

by mikeseg | updated April 10, 2016

Chapter 6, Other standard applications of operational amplifiers, Mathematical Operations, The Differentiator

Chapter 6, Other standard applications of operational amplifiers, Mathematical Operations, The Differentiator PUBLIC

by mikeseg | updated April 07, 2016

Chapter 6, Basic Operational Amplifier Circuits, Inverting Amplifier

Chapter 6, Basic Operational Amplifier Circuits, Inverting Amplifier PUBLIC

by mikeseg | updated April 07, 2016

Chapter 6, Other standard applications of operational amplifier, Mathematical Operations, The integrator

Chapter 6, Other standard applications of operational amplifier, Mathematical Operations, The integrator PUBLIC

by mikeseg | updated April 07, 2016

Ch. 5, Darlington, Simulation Only

Ch. 5, Darlington, Simulation Only PUBLIC

by mikeseg | updated April 06, 2016

Chapter 5, Transistor Issues: Temperature and Early Effect, Current Mirrors

Chapter 5, Transistor Issues: Temperature and Early Effect, Current Mirrors PUBLIC

by mikeseg | updated April 06, 2016

Chapter 5, Transistor Issues and Early Effect, Current Mirrors, The Wilson Mirror

Chapter 5, Transistor Issues and Early Effect, Current Mirrors, The Wilson Mirror PUBLIC

by mikeseg | updated April 06, 2016

Chapter 5, Transistor Issues: Temperature and Early Effect, Current Mirrors

Chapter 5, Transistor Issues: Temperature and Early Effect, Current Mirrors PUBLIC

by mikeseg | updated April 06, 2016

Chapter 5, Darlington, Experimental Circuit Diagram

Chapter 5, Darlington, Experimental Circuit Diagram PUBLIC

by mikeseg | updated April 06, 2016

Chapter 6, Other Standard applications of operational amplifier, Mathematical operations, The summing amplifier

Chapter 6, Other Standard applications of operational amplifier, Mathematical operations, The summing amplifier PUBLIC

by mikeseg | updated April 06, 2016

Chapter 6, Other standard applications of the operational amplifier, Mathematical operations, The integrator

Chapter 6, Other standard applications of the operational amplifier, Mathematical operations, The integrator PUBLIC

by mikeseg | updated April 06, 2016

Chapter 6, Other Standard Applications of operational amplifier, Mathematical operations, Experimental Parameters

Chapter 6, Other Standard Applications of operational amplifier, Mathematical operations, Experimental Parameters PUBLIC

by mikeseg | updated April 06, 2016

Chapter 5, FET as a Variable Resistor, Figure 34 Circuit

Chapter 5, FET as a Variable Resistor, Figure 34 Circuit PUBLIC

by mikeseg | updated March 22, 2016

Chapter 5, FET as a Variable Resistor, Figure 35 Circuit

Chapter 5, FET as a Variable Resistor, Figure 35 Circuit PUBLIC

by mikeseg | updated March 22, 2016