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Username lkeithr
Member Since September 6, 2018

lkeithr's Public Circuits:

Now showing circuits 1-11 of 11. Sort by


Multivibrator PUBLIC

by lkeithr | updated August 23, 2019

MV with output filter

MV with output filter PUBLIC

by lkeithr | updated August 22, 2019

Sine generator - Multivibrator with output filter

Sine generator - Multivibrator with output filter PUBLIC

by lkeithr | updated August 22, 2019

Phase shift oscillator

Phase shift oscillator PUBLIC

by lkeithr | updated August 22, 2019

Wein Bridge Oscillator

Wein Bridge Oscillator PUBLIC

by lkeithr | updated August 22, 2019

5V DC supply -- half wave

5V DC supply -- half wave PUBLIC

5V DC power supply from a 10Vpk AC input. Uses a half-wave rectifier to go from AC to DC and a 5 V zener diode to step down to 5V DC.

by lkeithr | updated February 07, 2019

Half wave rectifier

Half wave rectifier PUBLIC

Half wave rectifier using a diode to convert a bipolar AC input to a unipolar AC half wave train.

by lkeithr | updated February 01, 2019

Comparator w Schmitt Trigger

Comparator w Schmitt Trigger PUBLIC

Comparator circuit with Schmitt Trigger. Trigger provides 1.2 V of hysteresis to mitigate switching chatter.

by lkeithr | updated January 29, 2019


Comparator PUBLIC

Comparator. V_OUT switches between rails in response to V_IN's status with respect to V_X.

by lkeithr | updated January 29, 2019

5V DC supply -- full wave

5V DC supply -- full wave PUBLIC

5V DC power supply from a 10Vpk AC input. Uses a full-wave rectifier to go from AC to DC and a 5 V zener diode to step down to 5V DC.

by lkeithr | updated January 28, 2019

Digital inverter oscillator

Digital inverter oscillator PUBLIC

Oscillator circuit using string of digital inverters

by lkeithr | updated January 26, 2019