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Username jmayes
Member Since March 7, 2012

jmayes's Public Circuits:

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SG2020 to Sound Card Interface

SG2020 to Sound Card Interface PUBLIC

SG2020 PSK31 (really almost any digital) interface. Plagerized from Peter G3PLX Martinez' excellent document PSK31 Fundamentals

by jmayes | updated April 01, 2013

Quadrature simulator

Quadrature simulator PUBLIC

by jmayes | updated November 21, 2012

EDN Sallen-Key  Sept 4

EDN Sallen-Key Sept 4 PUBLIC

Deliver accurate Sallen-Key high-pass designs with minimal amplifier bandwidth (Part 2 of 2) Michael Steffes - September 3, 2012 Figure 6. Example simulation circuit with Qp = 6.513, Fo =13kHz, K=1,...

by jmayes | updated September 05, 2012

active-filter   edn   sallen-key