Username hevans
Name Humberto Evans
Member Since September 23, 2011

hevans's Public Circuits:

Now showing circuits 1-20 of 37. Sort by

CCVS example


by hevans | updated June 21, 2024


KevinYanosCircuit PUBLIC

by hevans | updated September 18, 2022

csv import

csv import PUBLIC

by hevans | updated July 14, 2022

DC Simulation Basics - Series and Parallel Resistors

DC Simulation Basics - Series and Parallel Resistors PUBLIC

by hevans | updated February 09, 2021

Sweeping Pots with A Parameter

Sweeping Pots with A Parameter PUBLIC

by hevans | updated February 02, 2021

Voltage Divider Exercise

Voltage Divider Exercise PUBLIC

by hevans | updated January 12, 2021

Not Hopping Wire

Not Hopping Wire PUBLIC

by hevans | updated September 23, 2020

Hopping Wire

Hopping Wire PUBLIC

by hevans | updated September 23, 2020

Voltage and Current Sources

Voltage and Current Sources PUBLIC

by hevans | updated September 01, 2020

Capacitor Video Tutorial

Capacitor Video Tutorial PUBLIC

A very basic capacitor circuit used in a video tutorial.

by hevans | updated August 28, 2020


RC Low Pass Filter - Bode Plot

RC Low Pass Filter - Bode Plot PUBLIC

In this video we show the bode plot of an RC low pass filter in our circuit simulator CircuitLab (and bonus high pass filter too!)

by hevans | updated August 19, 2020

bode   low-pass   rc  

RC Low-Pass Step Response

RC Low-Pass Step Response PUBLIC

In this video we're using the CircuitLab circuit simulator to plot the step response of an RC low pass filter.

by hevans | updated August 19, 2020

Exploring PWM Output

Exploring PWM Output PUBLIC

by hevans | updated August 14, 2020

Digital Clock Divider

Digital Clock Divider PUBLIC

by hevans | updated July 14, 2020


LED constant current controller

LED constant current controller PUBLIC

by hevans | updated July 07, 2020

constant-current-source   led  

RC Low-Pass filter

RC Low-Pass filter PUBLIC

by hevans | updated July 07, 2020

filter   low-pass   rc  

LED with current limiting resistor

LED with current limiting resistor PUBLIC

by hevans | updated July 07, 2020

RC Circuit


by hevans | updated June 21, 2020

Inverting Amplifier: How to build and simulate op-amp circuit with a specific gain

Inverting Amplifier: How to build and simulate op-amp circuit with a specific gain PUBLIC

In this circuit we show an inverting amplifier with a set gain. See the video here:

by hevans | updated June 19, 2020

amplifier   op-amp   tutorial  

2x1 multiplexer (MUX) from NAND gates

2x1 multiplexer (MUX) from NAND gates PUBLIC

by hevans | updated June 18, 2020

digital   multiplexer   nand