Hi, So I am currently doing simulations of up to 50 "nodes" on a bus, all nodes are the same, and the bus is simulating real life cabling (only resistance). So to do this, I simply copied the node 50 times, and while it works, it is dead slow, and if I need to change e.g. a cap value, I need to do this on all 50 nodes. I guess I can buy a new computer, which will speed things up a bit, but still the job will be rather tedious to change on 50 places, and I doubt a new computer will do much good, since the browsers seems to be single threaded. Chrome is about double faster than Firefox in simulation, but the editing seems equally slow on both. So I am looking for ways to do this faster, and if the repeat nodes where just "pointer" to the design (maybe first node etc, or some macro). I guess this is not possible. Are there any other way? Would it be possible to create a "component" or the node (the node is all passive components in this simulation)? |
by vespaman
January 26, 2023 |
Have you considered using the "Parameter" element? |
by vanderghast
January 30, 2023 |
No I have not, but this will do it for sure! I knew there had to be some way of making this easier for me! :-) |
by vespaman
February 02, 2023 |
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