Thevenin Resistance and Max. Power Transfer

I am trying to find out what should be the value of resistor connected across node 'ab' for maximum power transfer. So far I have tried working out by hand and I don't think I have got the right values. I have shorted out voltage source to find thevenin resistance and considered R1 parallel with (R2+R3) and (R4+R5). Can anyone please help me to find out equivalent thevenin circuit.

by hussh1
June 22, 2017

1 Answer

Answer by mrobbins

I took your schematic and quickly did three things:

  1. added a missing ground
  2. added a test resistor Rtest
  3. set up a DC Sweep simulation to plot the power dissipated in that resistor P(Rtest) for various values of the resistance Rtest.R

Click this one and run the DC Sweep simulation.

Peak power happens at approximately:

$$R_{\text{test}} \approx 4.7 \ \Omega$$

+1 vote
by mrobbins
June 23, 2017

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