I'm trying to build something for a project. The simplest way I can put it is that I need a switch to turn on a light, while simultaneously disabling the other two switches I have from turning on their respective lights. If one is on, the others can't do anything, and I need a reset switch to put the entire system back to the starting point of everything being off. I'd like to draw a diagram and plan everything out before I buy materials, but I'm completely new to this site and it's tools, as well as not being particularly familiar with all things electronic. Any help is appreciated, thanks! |
by Unused-username
February 19, 2023 |
For DC at low voltage? Try using an MCU (Arduino or similar) where some of its I/O pins will control the gate of a NMOS which, in turn, each pair I/O pin NMOS will be used as a low side switch for the LED. It is then easy to program the MCU to behave as we want, without having to change the hard-wired circuit. I don't suggest that you start electronically by "playing" with AC from a household distribution system. |
by vanderghast
February 21, 2023 |
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