IGBTs (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors) are primarily controlled by voltage. The voltage applied to the gate terminal of an IGBT determines its conductivity and switching behavior. By applying a suitable voltage to the gate terminal, the IGBT can be turned on or off, allowing or blocking the flow of current through its main terminals (collector and emitter). The voltage applied to the gate terminal establishes the electric field that controls the conduction state of the device. It's important to note that the gate voltage must exceed a certain threshold, known as the threshold voltage, to activate the IGBT and allow current flow. The exact threshold voltage varies depending on the specific IGBT model and its characteristics. In summary, while the IGBT itself is controlled by voltage, the resulting conductivity determines the current flow through the device. Source: https://www.nevsemi.com/blog/what-is-the-advantage-of-igbt |
by Nevsemielectronics
July 05, 2023 |
IGBT (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor) is a type of power transistor that is controlled by voltage. IGBTs are used in high-power applications such as motor control, power supplies, and inverters, where they can switch large currents at high voltages. https://www.circuitlab.com/questions/r437hr2h/is-igbt-controlled-by-current-or-voltage/ Drift Boss |
by salmawisoky
July 25, 2023 |
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