Hi I am making some lighting for a project, using LEDs. There are going to be two sources of light:
I have acquired a LED-driver 0.7A with a minimum load of 25W and a maximum of 60W. When connecting all 15 LEDs in series there is no problem. But, I would like to connect a Toggle Switch (ON-ON-ON) to give me three options. a. Turn on all lights b. Turn on only source 1 c. Turn on only source 2 Options (a-b) are no problem. Because they exceed the minimum load of the LED-driver. But option (c) does not. To accommodate this I thought of placing a resistor in option (c), as shown in the circuit below. NB: I could not find the right switch, so only option (b-c) is illustrated. But it gets the point across. I thought of using a 50W / 56 ohm Power Resistance. But I am not sure how to choose a resistance for a constant current circuit. Any input will be appreciated!! :) |
by madelaire
March 01, 2018 |
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