Thanks for viewing my question; just a few preemptive facts, I was in college for electrical engineering from in 1983 to 1988, Then continued on to computer programming. hence a lot of electrical engineering has slipped from my knowledge. basically as just a hobby and interest I'm wanting to build a simple circuit. Any help you can give me I greatly appreciate iand hope you have a great day Desired: I want to utilize to cell phone power supplies to obtain a variable current constant voltage source. Desired Specs: 1. Out Voltage: constant at 5 VDC 2. Our Current: variable, nominally 1-2.1A 3. Using two AC adapters .....a. Rating: 5VDC, 1,000mA .....b. " 5VDC, 1,200 mA As is easily guessed, I'm wanting to build a cell phone adapter to accommodate any current. After I get the essentials to work, I'm going to put a digital voltage and current output display on the box.. I thank all for reading my question and again greatly appreciate any help! piBoss |
by piBoss
August 24, 2017 |
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