I have two identical pieces of equipment for redundancy purposes, we will call them 1 and 2, that connect to a main processor. Currently to switch between the two, personnel have to manually undo the connections on 1 and place on 2. We have this set up at multiple locations with varying difficulties of access to the back to disconnect and reconnect to the other. Each cable has a different multi pin connector. I am trying to design something that will allow for me to have 1 and 2 connected to it and all i have to do is flip a switch. I have looked at terminal boards. But I have different types of data coming in on each pin so it is not just an input output. Is there some kind of terminal board or switch that would allow this? |
by mykshahh
April 02, 2023 |
That seems the job of an SPDT switch. Some have an ON-OFF-ON latching possible, few are ON-ON, without possibility to be off, but a switch turning on then off then on will definitively have an instant were the voltage would rings. |
by vanderghast
April 02, 2023 |
You can have a nice video about SPST and SPDT switches here, on YouTube |
by vanderghast
April 03, 2023 |
Thanks for the video :) |
by JessicaJones
April 14, 2023 |
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