How do you run a simulation with a push-button? |
by bit2man
June 16, 2017 |
One of many possible ways is to use a voltage-controlled switch. Then, have it be controlled by a piecewise-step signal (PWS for short) that turns on and off at the appropriate times. Here's one with that looks closed at t=1 and open again at t=2: Click it and run the simulation. See what V(control) and V(output) look like. See Expressions in the CircuitLab documentation for more info about PWS and related expressions. |
+1 vote by mrobbins June 17, 2017 |
Thanks Mike - I'm still struggling with the interface. I really didn't think I had to think about cos/sin to test-drive a circuit :) Thanks for pointing out the error of my ways. |
by bit2man
June 25, 2017 |
No cosine and sines necessary -- those are just other expressions that are also available! :) PWS is pretty simple. It just says to be a some voltage at some time, and then jump to another value at/after a different time. |
by mrobbins
June 25, 2017 |
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