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LC Choke filter not producing desired output :(

Hey guys, so im an undergrad in electrical and electronics engineering and i was trying to create this power converter that connects to AC Mains of 220V 50hz and outputs a DC Voltage of 200V using a Full wave rectifier and a choke filter using an R load of 10ohm. I referred to the internet to find the design equations for the choke filter, but the values i calculated for the inductor and capacitor are not producing the given output of 200V at the load. The ripple is too very high. Please help me and tell me where im going wrong.. I used the critical inductance of 10.6mh and the capacitor value of 3.75e-3. I ran the simulation in plecs and this is the output im getting. The formulas i used for Lc= R/3w0 ; and C was calculated based on the ripple factor formula Vrf=1/(6sqrt2w0^2LC). Please help me out and tell me where im going wrong with the understanding of the circuit. Help is very much appreciated.

by TheticVoyage630
September 15, 2024

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