I'd like to try different assembly with an opto-isolator 4N35 It contains a LED optically coupled to a photo-transistor. Here the datasheet : http://pdf1.alldatasheet.com/datasheet-pdf/view/520953/AVAGO/4N35-000E.html I found LED in the component list but no photo-transistor. Can you help me? |
by brisfan
March 06, 2017 |
This old circuit of mine simulated an optical connection between an LED and a photodiode (not transistor) -- run the DC Sweep simulation: I modified it to work with a phototransistor, where the photocurrent now stimulates the base-collector junction. This is not tuned to match your exact part number, but take a look -- run the DC Sweep simulation, as well as the Time Domain simulation if you like: If you wanted it to match your 4N35 part exactly, you'd have to modify the simulation parameters of D1 to closely match the embedded LED, and modify the simulation parameters of CCCS1 and Q1 to closely match the embedded phototransistor. |
+1 vote by mrobbins March 06, 2017 |
Thank you for your answer. I'm a beginner in electronic and I fear to not have skills and experience to do that. But I'm going to try. |
by brisfan
March 06, 2017 |
Hi, I'm trying to set LED characteristics to fit with 4N35 opto-isolator. For the 4N35 I found in the datasheet :
In CircuitLab for a LED I had to set :
+1 vote by brisfan March 29, 2017 |
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