Hi Folks, I'm looking for some metal to use for contacts similar to the strip in an old flashlight that connected the negative from the batteries to the bulb. Is that plated brass or tin? I need something flat that I can solder to and shape/cut rather easily. |
by kalbinus
January 23, 2018 |
Production switches usually have gold or silver coatings for reliability. The underlying metal can be tin or brass, or even phosphor bronze if it must 'spring'. In your application you could cut a sliver out of an old tin, this is easily soldered. Have medical kit ready, tin can be very sharp. Another item that I have used in the past is an old pot wiper, this worked reliably for many years. Your contacts will be kept clean if you can arrange 'wiping' action and supply several mA to 'burn' them in, or if lower dc current simply connect 0.1uF across them. There is also a variety of non-contact switches, such as micro-switches, optical switches and Hall effect devices. |
+1 vote by mikerogerswsm January 25, 2018 |
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