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Circuit design questions - Softwares used

  1. What do you currently use to design circuits?
  2. What are some of the difficulties that you face with circuit design?
  3. What are the challenges with existing software that you use for circuit design?
  4. How do you run simulations?
  5. How do you currently convert a sketch to a digitised circuit diagram?
  6. How do you order components?
  7. What challenges do you face from design to finally building the product?
  8. Do you use multiple software/ portals for multiple stages? For example - Design, simulate, buy
  9. Do you pay any money to use some of the products out there?
by trmnj22
September 23, 2022

Strictly speaking, circuits are not designed by software; the design comes from your brain. Once you have a design mentally worked out and drawn by drafting software or by pencil and paper, modelling software such as Circuit Lab is invaluable for testing it and verifying that it works as expected. For the "brain" portion think through precisely and exactly what you want to do, partition it into the simplest possible building blocks then chase through text books and component data sheets to decide what components might be useful and appropriate and how to connect them. If you intend to get into this stuff seriously there isn't much choice but to look for a course in electrical technology.

by Foxx
September 27, 2022

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CircuitLab's Q&A site is a FREE questions and answers forum for electronics and electrical engineering students, hobbyists, and professionals.

We encourage you to use our built-in schematic & simulation software to add more detail to your questions and answers.

Acceptable Questions:

  • Concept or theory questions
  • Practical engineering questions
  • “Homework” questions
  • Software/hardware intersection
  • Best practices
  • Design choices & component selection
  • Troubleshooting

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  • Non-English language content
  • Non-question discussion
  • Non-electronics questions
  • Vendor-specific topics
  • Pure software questions
  • CircuitLab software support

Please respect that there are both seasoned experts and total newbies here: please be nice, be constructive, and be specific!

About CircuitLab

CircuitLab is an in-browser schematic capture and circuit simulation software tool to help you rapidly design and analyze analog and digital electronics systems.