Apologies for a simple question, but I have had a few failures. I have a 24v circuit, powered by two 12v 55amp hour batteries. The circuit activates two 24 volt solenoid valves and 2 24v volt fuel pumps. The hardware is activated by a simple on/off latching switch, one for each hardware element. These all work ok. I have introduced 4 off 24v leds (RS 249-4347), to use as a power on indicator for the specific hardware. The power for the LEDs is taken from the on from the switch and sent to ground. I currently use a 2k resistor in each line, but I have continual issues. If all hardware is on, then no LED work, if I have one unit on, then the LED blow. Looking for guidance if possible. Thanks |
by Subclub
February 12, 2024 |
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