Finding datasheet of ecliptek EC 164 16.384 Mhz crsytal

Hello all, i am new to electronics, currently I am working on an IC ADE7880. This IC has very specific parameters for crystal, I found this crystal in local market and after so much effort I am still unable to find its datasheet to see its load capacitor values: You can find its pictures here:

According to datasheet, "best crystal VM6-1D11C12-TR-16.384MHZ (maximum drive level 1 mW; maximum ESR 20 Ω; load capacitance 12 pF). Select the same crystal or a crystal with similar specifications. Lower values of ESR and load capacitance and higher values " But I cant find a crystal with similar specs on ali express or amazon. On MOUSER I found some relevant options But its delivery cost is much higher than actual crystal. I would really appreciate if you can suggest me some widely available options. Best regards, Zaeem Ahmed

by ZaeemAhmed
November 02, 2024

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