I am doing a small project using a MeanWell HLG-320H-C1050. http://meanwellusa.com/productPdf.aspx?i=338&pdf=SExHLTMyMEgtQzEwNTAtcnB0LnBkZg==&a=2 Powering 8 LED boards. when I connect the LED boards in series everything works fine, the power supply has sufficient current to drive all the boards. the problem is that when one LED board goes bad than the whole circuit fails. Is there a way I can connect this in parallel and still drive all LED modules in FULL POWER ? If so how ? |
by ohannis
December 27, 2016 |
I would recommend retaining the series connection and placing a zener diode across each module. Then when a module fails, the zener will take up the slack. For example if each device drops say ten volts, then a 15V zener across each will keep things running when a board fails open circuit. Or whatever. You need to use zeners which will carry the current without exceeding their power rating. There needs to be sufficient voltage headroom. |
+1 vote by mikerogerswsm January 01, 2017 |
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