Selectable frequency RF monitor

Hello. I built an ozone generator using a flyback transformer and ZVS driver and would like to remote monitor (5-10 feet away) the presence of high voltage. I don't know the exact frequency generated by the flyback coil (maybe around 10-30KHz) and I don't have instrumentation to validate it so, I would have like to create a wireless receiver that can be adjusted on a certain range of frequencies, that would simply turn on a led in presence of RF. Is there some place you could point me out to do so? Thanks.

by aduroch
May 29, 2023

An overkill solution could be to use an SDR (Software Defined Radio) Receiver (10kHz to 1GHz, less than 40 dollars; no antenna included), you also need free SDR GNU software and a computer (for running the software and a monitor for visualisation).

You can then "see" the activity through "spikes" on the frequency domain.

I don't know if GNU software exists for cell phones (iOS or Android).

If you look for a standalone pre-configured solution, the price rises to around 250$.

Those SDR Receivers can be used as standard radio receivers, including for commercial stations and even satellites. That is why I consider them overkill. But it can be reused for other purposes if you come with other projects.

I am far from being an expert with SDR, but I know they are great to spot the radio frequencies having activities (and to "listen" to them, after the proper "demodulation" (and decryption if there is any)).

by vanderghast
May 30, 2023

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