Mono/stereo compatibility SOLVED

Hi yall. Kinda lowbrow question, but may save me some time. Thanks in advance for your timely responses. Purchased a digital thermostat/timer/switch which has a probe... that I discovered is 1.5 feet long, not the 1.5 meters stated in the ad. But I need it and it was especially inexpensive off Ebay, so adding an extension seems to be the easiest remedy. The probe has a standard 2.5mm mono jack. I have been unable to find an extension cable of adequate length, though I have found a stereo cable for a reasonable price. My question is, will the stereo cable carry the mono signal, and do the 2 contacts on the mono jack make contact with 2 of the 3 stereo? (I'm assuming the stereo contacts are Left, Right, and return, or common)

by DirtBag
January 05, 2018

1 Answer

Answer by mikerogerswsm

Ah.still thrown by metric vs imperial! Yes, the stereo extension will work.It just ignores the third wire. Not for mains voltage.

ACCEPTED +1 vote
by mikerogerswsm
January 05, 2018

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