Sine wave amplifier

I’m trying to amplify a 2 volt ac signal from a VRS magnetic pickup. The mother board input is looking for a minimum voltage of 6 volts ac. I can find many amplifiers that convert the output to dc, which doesn’t work with my controller. Changing the magnetic pickup is not an option. Does anyone have any suggestions?

by Fob
December 17, 2023

3 Answers

Answer by Archibald007

Verify that the VRS sensor is linked to the vehicle's ground on one side. If so, confirm that the ground wire is connected to the cruise control's ground connector.

You'll probably need to install a differential isolation amp between the sensor and the cruise control if it's not grounded.

I don't think noise is really problematic. Simply utilize the same twisted-pair wire arrangement that feeds the ABS.

If you need any amplifiers, maybe you can inquire about Ersa Electronics to see whether they can provide you with some free samples or not.

+1 vote
by Archibald007
December 18, 2023

Answer by Fob

Thanks so much for the suggestions. The amplifier I’m looking for is being used in a generator application, so there is no cruise control or abs. But the link to the supplier is greatly appreciated.

+1 vote
by Fob
December 18, 2023

Answer by Evold1997

Look for AC-coupled operational amplifiers (op-amps) like the TL766N or LM386. These can amplify AC signals without converting them to DC. You'll need to design a suitable gain stage with appropriate resistors and capacitors for your desired amplification.

Find out more: basket random

+1 vote
by Evold1997
January 16, 2024

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