Changing audio output from speaker to aux

Hi. Im kinda new to this but here goes.

I have a philips wakeup light HF35050 with a horrendous speaker that kills me every morning. So I was thinking I could change the speaker to having a 3,5mm cable running out of the device in to a proper speaker.

After I managed to open the thing I found that it has a 4 ohm 1 watt speaker inside it. Now I dont know much about what goes as an input for the speaker but I figured I could somehow work an aux cable into it. Anyone have an idea how I would do that?

by Juuso1999
February 04, 2018

1 Answer

Answer by mikerogerswsm

Use a switched socket, then the internal speaker is normally connected and the extension speaker is connected instead when plugged in. The wires should be soldered, contact your local Radio Ham for advice.

+1 vote
by mikerogerswsm
February 04, 2018

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by mikerogerswsm
February 04, 2018

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