Hello everyone! I was given this circuit with the date for D1: Vf = 0.7V, Vz = ? for D2: Vf = 0.7V, Vz = ? for D3: Vf = 0.6V, Vz = 9V for D4: Vf = 0.6V, Vz = 9.6 V I have to find out what Vz for both diods is, and to draw Vin and Vout I would appreciate any help! |
by ninkokh
September 24, 2021 |
Change V2 to an AC voltage source. Add a ground reference (to specify "where" you consider that the voltage is zero). |
by vanderghast
September 24, 2021 |
sadly this is an exercise that we got in class so I can't really change it |
by ninkokh
September 24, 2021 |
In the schematic V2 is defined as 25sin(2pi 5t) so it is sinusoidal so you have no choice but to use an AC source. CircuitLab requires a ground to work so you also have no choice but to add a ground, otherwise if you get any results at all they will be nonsense. More likely an error flag |
by Foxx
September 25, 2021 |
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