Hi I'm a high school student with literally just very base understanding of how batteries and electricities and circuits work. For our research project though we decided to make an aluminum air battery (the kind you see on a lot of high school experiement project things). It worked to some extent and I'm pretty sure it can power a low volt LED. But now we have to go to this community and make the whole battery thing a feasible source of alternative energy there. Any suggestions on how we can make this work? The battery doesn't last very long and one cell gives less than a 1 V |
by AluminumPerson
January 28, 2018 |
Take a look at this, especially Table 2 at the end of Section 3, though one solution, the use of pure oxygen, is to be avoided because of fire hazard. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S246802571730081X |
+1 vote by mikerogerswsm January 28, 2018 |
Also read carefully Section 5, Conclusions and outlook, this is a good summary of the options open to you. Good luck, and thanks for your question, I learned much from it. |
by mikerogerswsm
January 28, 2018 |
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