I have two capacitors that I am trying to identify and order. The first has a top line that reads “S7” the bottom reads “AG” for the second capacitor, top reads “N8” bottom reads “dE” they are in black square packages with the anode marked. Please help |
by Toph15
February 07, 2018 |
I think you have some low ESR Tantalum surface mount capacitors, have a look at the Vishay range here: https://www.vishay.com/docs/40174/t55.pdf Hope this helps. mike |
+1 vote by mikerogerswsm February 08, 2018 |
Also: http://www.jauch.de/downloadfile/58afeb6ae19c3_995ad5b803297b0c094c/ntps.pdf |
by mikerogerswsm
February 08, 2018 |
47uF 10V and 330uF 2V by my reckoning. |
by mikerogerswsm
February 09, 2018 |
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