Digital delay lines

Does anyone know of any digital delay lines for up to 6 seconds delay in milli-second increments? I need this for a project and am having a difficult time finding one or implemting one in my circuit design.

by ferreiratp
April 19, 2017

I would suggest writing your signal into ram using one address counter and reading it using another address counter. Synchronously. To set the delay, offset the read counter by a fixed amount. This could be done in hardware or in firmware. You need 8k of ram and two 13 bit address counters. (Proportionally more ram if your signal has several bits)

by mikerogerswsm
April 20, 2017

May be 'FIFO Memory" chips can be used?

by febb
April 21, 2017

1 Answer

Answer by UltimateElectronics

You need 6000 bits of storage, or 750 bytes. I'd probably just use a small microcontroller for a few bucks and write an interrupt handler that runs once per millisecond to read in the input, store it, and set the delayed output.

+1 vote
by UltimateElectronics
May 04, 2017

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