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Mains Voltage Indicator

Can you help me in getting some graphs showing the LED current behavior. Did I set it up properly.? The graphs I am getting does not make sense at all. !!!

by arishy
April 07, 2014

Your input frequency is 50Hz and you 'time step' is 100ms, so every 100ms the input voltage is the same, look into aliasing. Anyways I changed the stop time to 0.1s and the time step to 0.5ms, and ran again and it looks like I would expect, half sign wave with a little phase lag because of the capacitor. Click on the end (node) of the diode to plot the current through it.

by Garrett
April 08, 2014

Thank you Garret, Now I can make sense of the circuit. I assume when you mentioned briefly. the aliasing that it is "too early" for me to comprehend !! If this is the case, let us leave it at that. Again, thank you for responding quickly..I am moving slowly but in the right direction thanks to your help.

by arishy
April 09, 2014

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