How to plot V x I graphs? SOLVED

I have built a circuit and now I want to run a DC sweep in it. I'm going from -0.3uA to 0.3uA in a current source. I also have the node S. Now I have to plot a graph with the current value (-0.3uA to 0.3uA) on the X-axis and the voltage of the S node on the y-axis. I mean, I want to see how VS depends on I. How can I plot this graph?

by Iskandar
November 29, 2012

“I have built a circuit and …” - nice, of course, but where is it?


Regards, Sancho

by Sancho_P
November 29, 2012


Looks like you've solved this one but just in case, you might like to have a look at:

And, as @Sancho_P suggests, posting your circuit along with any question is always helpful.

by signality
November 29, 2012

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