show amps correctly

hi I have built a high amp 12v circuit but can seem to show the amps correctly? anyone let me know what im doing wrong please!

by nipflicker
August 25, 2012

Have a look at:



by signality
August 25, 2012

hi, thanks for the reply but still no joy! i have designed a circuit with three phase supply, rectified and regulated using LM317 set at 13v and 3 darlington transistors. output voltage test is good and scope test is good, but unable to simulate the 20-60A that the circuit is designed for? I have given it a load but only registers when testing at the load node not thoughout the circuit?

by nipflicker
August 25, 2012


Does this help?

by signality
August 25, 2012

do you want to look at the results for the reg, as this design has been used for several desk top supplies and works, just trying to intergrate it into the bike! how do i give you access to the build section?

by nipflicker
August 26, 2012

heres the next version with a mock up of the tranys if you are interested! or can help! is there any way of simulating the amps?

by nipflicker
August 26, 2012

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