Problem with Copy and Paste SOLVED

Hello everybody,

How can I choose the place on the diagram where a copied part of a circuit will be pasted?


by jaimev
December 12, 2012

If you are copying a part in a diagram and pasting it back into the same diagram, then you have no choice: the copied part will always be pasted directly on top of the part you just copied. It will be highlighted in red but will appear a little darker than the original (which was also highlighted in red because you had to have selected it to copy it in the first place).

Click on the copied symbol and move it to where you want.

If you have a circuit with only one resistor in it, R1, then when you copy and paste it, the pasted one will be R2.

If you deselect the pasted part before you try to move it just check that the part you have reselected and moved is the one you wanted to.

The rules are almost the same when you copy one or more parts from one circuit diagram into another, except that the pasted parts will be pasted into the new diagram into the same location that they cam from in the original circuit.

In some cases this means that they may end up in an off-screen part of the new diagram.

Note that CL will not always warn you if you accidentally paste a copy of a part onto itself, in effect placing two in parallel. It is legitamate to do that with resistors, capacitors, diodes, transistors and some other components but it may produce strange results or obscure error messages for things like batteries voltage sources and inductors.

by signality
December 12, 2012

Ok, thank you very much. Everything makes sense now!

by jaimev
December 13, 2012

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