Node not found SOLVED

After changing around a circuit layout, one of my nodes in the expression list has turned red and says "Node "17" not found". I still see the node in my build schematic view. Is there a way to reconnect the node to the expression?

I can always just add a new expression for the voltage at Node 17 but then it gets inserted at the bottom of my expression list. This is a big pain because I'm dropping my results table directly into excel and doing some math. By adding the node a the bottom of the expression list, it screws up my downstream data.

by psabin
May 07, 2013

Please make your circuit visible by making it either Unlisted or Public.

No circuit: no help.


by signality
May 07, 2013

By putting node labels on all nodes or at least all the nodes you care about, you can avoid the problem altogether.

CL assigns arbitrary but sequential node names to unlabelled nodes.

Suppose you have a circuit with 17 nodes then you replace a resistor with a piece of wire.

Your circuit now has only 16 nodes. Suppose the node you removed was Node17.

Suppose you then add a new component in a different location that then adds a new node (by inserting a resistor in a wire for example). The new node will be labelled by CL as Node17.

If you now add the first resistor back in it's original location. The node that reappears will now be numbered Node18.

More complex editing makes a more comprehensive mess of the CL assigned node names.

If you put node name labels on all the nodes you are interested in then they won't change numbering or flicker in and out of existence as you edit your circuit. They will then always be valid in your expressions.

This is true for expressions for arbitrary sources and plot expressions.


by signality
May 07, 2013

Here's the circuit for reference:

Thanks for the help! I think I understand now to anticipate and insert all possible nodes beforehand if possible. My question moving forward is, now that I have a broken link, is there any way to remap the expression to the broken node? I have a lot of nodes so adding a new one/screwing up my expression list is making life difficult when I export my results into excel.

by psabin
May 08, 2013

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