Error creating Operating Point Solver - Aborting non-finite value ?

Error creating Operating Point Solver - Aborting non-finite value

What does that mean?

by Circute
March 05, 2012

Yeah...I got that too.

by Circuitmage
March 05, 2012

I got the same with the IE8, but it's running with Firefox 9.0.1. Why ?

by pepperbox
March 05, 2012

The solvers run in Javascript on your browser, its probably an incompatability between FF Javascript and IE Javascript.

by matt
March 05, 2012

HI Circute,

Most likely this error is occurring because you have a non-number value in one of the of the parameter values of an element. If you post a public circuit that is giving you this error, we can help you find the issue.

by hevans
March 05, 2012

@hevans >= Nail hit!

I had a transformer and had the 'Turn Ratio' set at '1:125' - that caused the error. '125' is correct.

BTW, I use Chrome on Xp

by Circute
March 05, 2012

Yeah, posting might help, eh? lol

OK, cleaned up abit, and will double check values. Here is the link;

forum comment form;

Thanks for help.

by Circuitmage
March 06, 2012

bump. So when I opened it up this time, there is a long list of errors that flashes, but not sure what that means....

Any more ideas?

by Circuitmage
March 20, 2012

Ok, got it, nevermind. Had latest IE but that was not good enough. Sw to Chrome and no problems.

by Circuitmage
March 20, 2012

Thanks hevans, I had a capacitor that I accidentally wrote 10uF, so it was showing 10uF F. I took the F out of my value and it solved the problem!

by ntgcleaner
June 20, 2014

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