Phase angle of sinewave source is backwards

Has anyone noticed the phase angle of the sinewave source is backwards? If you specify an angle of 90 degrees, then the waveform moves to the right. I.e. at t = 0, you get -1V instead of 1V. But sin(pi/2) should be 1.

The workaround is easy - just change the sign of the angle. But it would be nice if this were fixed in the simulator ... (of course then lots of circuits will start giving different waveforms, but at least they'll be accurate)

by Kilowatt
January 26, 2014


I've been aware of this for a long time and have posted a few times in the forums or in examples about it.

This is probably the most helpful:

You could try raising a Bug Report about it.

by signality
February 02, 2014

Thanks - I'll try the bug-report route.

I hadn't noticed the T=0 value being zero. That might help with convergence, and with non-spice folks who might think it should be. But the phase angle is a real issue :-(

At the moment, my students are using the program to sum up sinewaves to evaluate a Fourier Series, but I've had to tell them to flip the sign of any angles they put in the simulator. Not hard of course, but confusing and a strange thing to have to do.

On the plus side, I guess its nice it didn't get fixed last week since the assignment is due tomorrow and they'd be really confused if it got changed while they're doing the problem ;-)

by Kilowatt
February 02, 2014

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