Voltage Generator stops Oscillating


In my circuit "Problem with Simulation", as soon as I connect R6 to R7, V1 Square Generator stops oscillating.

I expected this circuit to work as a Smith Trigger, depending on Value of R2.

Best Thanks for your Ideas. Alexandre

by Datec
May 11, 2012

and here is the Schematic:

by Datec
May 11, 2012

I tried using the TL082 CL model but that gave the same crazy result as the LM358.

I think there's a rather bizarre problem with the CL opamp model because if I replace it with a very simple behavioural opamp model then the circuit all works fine!

by signality
May 11, 2012


Thanks for this. No it seems to work like it should.

Best Regards,

by Datec
May 11, 2012

Be aware that the behavioural opamp model is very basic. It has a fixed 0 to +24V output.

by signality
May 11, 2012

Thanks, fixed 0-24V Output is what I needed.

by Datec
May 11, 2012

Yep, I played with this simple circuit and it sure acts funny. I changed it a bit to try to better demo the schmitt action, but no joy. As soon as you add the feedback resistor the sim slows to a crawl and the output makes no sense:

by arduinohacker
May 11, 2012

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