What rail voltages are applied to opamps (when you choose the opamp without rails)? Is there any way to set this voltage? Also, it's hard to tell which is the positive and which the negative rail. Thanks |
by henrypenny
August 06, 2021 |
What I meant in that last sentence is :'Also, it's hard to tell which is the positive and which the negative rail if you choose the opamp with rails'. |
by henrypenny
August 06, 2021 |
The op amp without rails is just a generic op amp; the output will be the input times the gain even if this requires hundreds of volts, well beyond any real op amp The op amp with rails is closer to reality; the output will not go beyond the rail voltage no matter the gain times input. I've always made the upper rail positive and the lower negative following normal electronics drafting conventions and never had problems with it. Try flipping them and see what happens. You won't damage anything. |
by Foxx
August 10, 2021 |
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