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How do bridge over wires instead of letting them connect?


This seems like a widely asked question. After Googling, I'm finding this same question over and over on the forum or as comments on the blog, with no reply.

Could someone please help? I've wasted hours trying to figure this out :(

I simply want to have wires "cross" without connecting to each others.


by sanopl
September 23, 2020

Hi sanopl. To cross two wires that do not connect simply draw a wire that crosses another wire without stopping. If you do so CircuitLab will draw a little loop over the wire to signify it is not connected.

Note that the wire must be crossing a point on the grid that is a pure wire. If the crossing point happens to be the endpoint of a component, CircuitLab will assume you meant to connect it at that point. See this Circuit where the wire is crossing at the endpoint of R2 and therefore it creates a connection (signified by the dot).

If you are still having issues, then there might be a bug relating to the browser you are using. Can you share what browser and operating system you are on?

by hevans
September 23, 2020

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