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Set X-axis in Simulation


I have made a circuit, and I'd like to do a simulation on it. I figured out how to get the resistance of one resistor (R1) to go from 10 to 1000, using DC Sweep. The problem is, that I can't set what appears on the X-axis of the resulting graph. Now it shows the resistance. I'd like to get a graph with the current I on the X-axis, and the voltage V on the Y-axis. Is that possible?

Thanks in advance for your time,


P.S. this is the circuit:

by koningjim
January 04, 2013

No circuit.


Regarding setting what you plot on the X axis, see:

You might be able to rearrange the problem to sweep a current through the resistor (which will put I on the X axis) and that will then plot V on the Y axis. You can sweep R as the second parameter.

by signality
January 04, 2013

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