How to Sweep Potentiometer

I added a potentiometer to my circuit, but I can't find a way to get it to sweep it's range during either a DC Sweep simulation or a Time-Domain simulation (or any simulation).

Is there a way to do this. I want to get a plot of changes in my circuit as the potentiometer changes.

by ReverseEMF
December 01, 2012

Hi ReverseEMF,

This is a common problem, it’s not very intuitive, to say the least:

Assume your pot is named R11, set the cursor into the “Parameter” box and type simply “R”. Now CL should suggest everything you could use as Parameter beginning by “R”, select R11.K (for the ratio 0-1).

Regards, Sancho

by Sancho_P
December 01, 2012

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