Plot one measured value against another

I want to plot the current against the voltage over a component, not against the input voltage

by leifnel
December 12, 2012

Hi leifnel,

Trash the resistance (set it to zero) and set “Start” to 1, “End” to 3, you can delete the V(un1)-V(un2), run DC Sweep.

Regards, Sancho

by Sancho_P
December 12, 2012

(cough) How to synchronize one and the same discussion?

by Sancho_P
December 12, 2012

I'd rather be able to replicate the setup of my daughters project from science class. So she can see what results she was supposed to get. Without having to answer her "But it is not the same circuit".

I.e. instead of an X-Y plot, do a Y1-Y2 plot. I can't see if "Advanced graphing" is supposed to do that.

by leifnel
December 13, 2012

A plot like but without changing the circuit.

by leifnel
December 13, 2012

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